A collection of walks, discoveries, insights and pictures of exploring Dartmoor National Park
July 28, 2021
Soussons Tin Stamping Mill
This tin stamping mill is a typical of those from 19th century, containing a wheelpit, stamps, leat, tailrace and a buddle / dressing floor. Once overgrown with densely planted with trees from the Soussons plantation, the explorer can now access the site with relative ease due to the clearance of trees. It is the only remaining example of this type of stamping mill in the golden dagger and vitifer area and is marked on modern OS maps, albeit just as a small rectangular shaped graphic near the north west corner of the plantation.
Interestingly, as recorded on the Dartmoor HER, “There seems to have been two phases of use, with the original mill being refurbished and the good retaining wall (on dressing floor) either representing a refacing of the original wall or, more probably, an enlargement of the dressing floor, the layout of which would be of the later date”. It is summised that the site may have been part of the ‘Runnige Moor Mine’ recorded in 1792, followed by evidence supporting usage by Golden Dagger Mine from around 1850 to 1880, when it is assumed the site was abandoned.