Dartmoor Explorations

A collection of walks, discoveries, insights and pictures of exploring Dartmoor National Park


Steve Grigg and Frank Collinson

The North Bovey parish southern boundary borders the neighbouring parish of Manaton. Where the parish boundary crosses Easdon Hill, which lies a few km SW of North Bovey village, there are 13 boundary marker stones which have a deep “B” insciption – “B” standing for (B)ovey. All the boundary markers are shown on the modern OS map and lie on public access land. Much of the hill is overgrown with gorse and bracken, thus making the finding of around half of these stones quite difficult. This post is a photographic record of all the 13 boundary marker stones and details 10 digit National Grid References (NGRs), where each is located.

Parish Map
The North Bovey parish boundary map showing the location of the boundary stones
Stones Map 1
The 13 “B” stones shown on a 19th Century map
Stones map 2
10 digit NGR locations of the 13 “B” stones overlaid on a 19th Century map
Boundary Stone 1 is on west side of the hill on a wall corner and when found was very moss covered
With a small bit of “gardening” on boundary stone 1 “B” inscription was a little more evident.
The second boundary stone is deeply buried in gorse and is recumbent
A close up of the “B” on boundary stone 2
The third boundary stone is deeply buried in gorse but is upright
Clearing away some of the gorse the “B” becomes a bit more evident on the third stone
Meldon Hill
Whilst climbing the hill between boundary stones 3 and 4, this helicopter flew by. Meldon Hill with its field systems are under it.
The fourth boundary stones has two hazards; it is in in an area of thick gorse and the ground is quite wet and boggy
Close up of the fourth boundary stone.
From boundary stone 4, the easiest route is to follow a well defined track up to the trig point atop the hill
The fifth boundary stone is by far and away the easiest to find being next to the track leading downhill (north) from the trig. This stone looks like an natural original earthfast stone
Close up of the fifth stone. With the sunshine, the outline of the “B” is very well defined.
The fifth stone with King Tor visible on the mid horizon
The sixth stone is close to the fifth stone but buried in bracken. Ok to find in the Autumn or Winter but would be more difficult during the Summer months, when the bracken is high
A slightly different angle on the sixth stone looking north west(ish) towards Meldon Hill and Cosdon Hill of the (very far) horizon
Pool 1
En-route between the sixth and seventh stones the hill top pool is passed
The seventh stone is easy to locate and appears to have the top of the stone chipped off, thus the “B” has been damaged.
Close up of the seventh stone
Bovey Castle
En-route to the eighth stone, Bovey Castle can be seen in the valley below (north)
Moretonhampstead church. Photograph taken from the same location as that of Bovey Castle
The eighth stone surrounded by blanket of gorse but nevertheless easily found
Close up of the eighth stone
Stones 1 through 8, are approx aligned west to east. Stone nine can be found north east (ish) from stone eight.
From stone eight to stone nine, care should be taken as the area is uneven and rocky in places
The ninth stone is nicely out in the open and is easily found
The tenth stone is semi-recumbent and is the most northerly of all the stones
The tenth stone would be the tallest of all the stones, if it were fully upright.
The eleventh stone is SW from the tenth stone. The bracken in the photograph looks benign, however in this area it was pretty “ankle grabbing”, which would make searching for this stone in the Summer that much harder
The eleventh stone in detail, quite a short stone, which will be buried in vegetation in the Summer
Travelling SW from the eleventh stone, the twelfth stone can be located
Detail of the twelfth stone
The thirteenth and final stone is SW from the twelfth stone, once again in “ankle tugging” bracken
Close up of the thirteenth stone
Figgie 1
Retracing steps from the thirteenth stone back toward the twelfth stone and path can be found, which if followed west then north will lead to Figgie Daniel Rock, a fabulous location for a lunch spot
Figgie 2
Figgie Daniel in Autumn sunshine
Figgie 3
Figgie Daniel with its Autumnal coat
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