Dartmoor Explorations

A collection of walks, discoveries, insights and pictures of exploring Dartmoor National Park


Located near the east bank of the North Teign river opposite the ruin of Manga Farm , this tinners’ mill is another fine 16th / 17th century example, albeit some of the features are difficult to discern. The features of the mill include an associated launder bank and a wheel pit. Research for this post was obtained from the Dartmoor HER (MDV20859). The mill can be located at SX64090 84795.

Manga Map
Location of Manga Tinner’s Mill – not shown on any OS Map. Access is easiest via a stile, just to the North of the Harry Starkey clapper bridge and memorial.
View of the Tinners’ Mill looking west over the North Teign to Manga (Mandles) Farm ruin
View of the Tinners’ Mill looking north. The Darmoor HER describes it as “Situated at the foot of the steep w-facing slope of langridge (sic) the well-built complex comprises a single-roomed building possible open-fronted”. I think “Langridge” should read Longridge.
Dartmoor HER description: “Coursed boulder and slab walls 0.8m wide and up to 1.6m high form the w and n sides of the room measuring 3.9m (e-w) by 3.5m. A massive boulder revetment 1.9m high comprises the e side”. A pretty good description.
Next to the mill is a wheel pit for a water wheel. It is described as being approx 6m (E-W) and lying adjacent to the crude line of boulders which form the S wall (of the mill)
Without the HER, the author would never have interpreted this feature. “it (the water source for the water wheel) commenced as a channel 0.6m wide under a massive rounded block at the steeply sloping SE corner of the site”.
Below the massive rounded boulder on the SE side of the site is the remains of a launder bank. The Dartmoor HER state it is 2.3m long.
View of the mill, launder bank, water wheel and the massive rounded boulder looking East
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