A collection of walks, discoveries, insights and pictures of exploring Dartmoor National Park
June 17, 2023
Will Farm (possibly on the site of a former Blowing House)
Will was first mentioned as the home of Walter atte Will in 1342. The literal meaning is Walter ‘at the spring’. Fast forward to the 19th century and the tithe map of 1840 the farm at Will is shown as consisting five buildings. The main farmhouse is rectangular and appears to have had an extension on (evidence suggests around 1816) and is roughly aligned east-west. The farm also has two substantial associated agricultural buildings.
The author was drawn to visit the area as a result of Richard Hansford Worth’s 1940 publication, ‘The Dartmoor Blowing House’ where he mentioned a Blowing mill at Will, Peter Tavy. He stated that although the site of the blowing house was not known there it was possible as he had found an mould-stone. The author was fortunate to have met the current owner (John) of Will whilst in the area and was kindly showed around which included being showed “Worth’s Mould Stone” and many artefacts. Please note most of the features in this post are on Private property (with the exception of the benchmark and post box) albeit some may be seen from the roadway.