A collection of walks, discoveries, insights and pictures of exploring Dartmoor National Park
August 23, 2022
Widecombe Tinners’ Knocking Mill
R.H.Worth in 1953 (ref: SDV231148 in Dartmoor HER) wrote of the former existence of a tinner’s mill in the post-office garden at Widdicombe (sic). He recorded there being two anvil or mortar stones, which lay behind rhododendrons in the southwest corner.
Further to this, Dr Tom Greeves has recorded in his List of Known Devon Tin Mills c1450 – c1750 and in A Tin Mill in Widecombe Village, that there was a knocking mill (latterly they were known as stamping mills) for crushing tin ore in this locale. It is labelled as Widecombe Mill (B) in the list of mills. Presumably Mill (A) is the one located at the nearby North Hall Manor.
With this brief information, the author decided to investigate what could be seen from the public highway.