A collection of walks, discoveries, insights and pictures of exploring Dartmoor National Park
January 6, 2022
Whittenknowles Longhouse
Whittenknowles Rocks Longhouse lies within the rocks enclosure of the same name. There area is well described in Jeremy Butler’s ‘Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities: Volume Three – The South-West‘ where he states that the enclosure is a hut circle settlement over an area of 4.37 hectares and contains 38 hut circles linked by walling or natural lines of clitter subdividing the enclosed area into small paddocks. He further states that several extensions were added to the massive circuit wall on the south side and one of the main features In medieval times the site was re-used and a longhouse and ancillary buildings which were built on the east side of the settlement. Not mentioned by Butler is a “windstrew” feature, which lies just outside the enclosure.