A collection of walks, discoveries, insights and pictures of exploring Dartmoor National Park
March 1, 2022
Royal Observer Corp on Western Beacon
On the south west slopes of Western Beacon lies the Ugborough / Harford parish boundary, along which lies many boundary stones (upright and recumbent), which are easily followed by the explorer. Also on this parish boundary are the ruins a Royal Observer Corp “look out” (circular obs. post) plus two buildings and 4 unknown structures, which the author believes were also part of the of the Royal Observer Corp infrastructure. Unusually, the Dartmoor Historic Environment Record (HER) reveals very little about this site and the authors search for additional information has been fruitless, except for an article which appeared in the Ivybridge Magazine in September 2014. The author would be grateful if anyone can point the author to any further information relating to this site.