Dartmoor Explorations

A collection of walks, discoveries, insights and pictures of exploring Dartmoor National Park


Steve Grigg

This post about is the second of two parts. This part is dedicated to the business end of RAF Sharpitor, known as the “Technical Site”. The site was established around 1942 and abandoned around 1971. It served as a master transmitting station for the south west gee station – a radio navigation system that enabled aircraft to fix their position throughout most of Europe.Tribute must be paid once again to Bill Wilkinson who served there and wrote two superb articles in the Dartmoor Magazine (issue 44 – Autumn 1996 and issue 83 – Summer 2006), without which I fear a lot of the history might have been lost.

Sharpitor Technical 1
This is a 1954 plan of the technical site. Google Earth wasn’t much use as aerial evidence is limited. Therefore I overlaid the metric contour lines and used the road and a GPS for my ground search. The black labelling were the original buildings / tower and the red labels are the 1950s upgrade.
Sharpitor Technical 2
Near the entrance to the technical site.
Sharpitor Technical 3
The original armoury, which became a labourers workshop during the upgrade.
A reconstruction of the site entrance with the armoury and storage nissen huts.
Sharpitor Technical 5
The original 1940s main building
Sharpitor Technical 6
Pipe outlet from the main 1940s building
Sharpitor Technical 7
Garage foundations
Sharpitor Technical 8
Duplicate Monitoring Room foundations with Sharpitor also in picture
Sharpitor Technical 9
Tethering ring close to the nissen hut foundations at the Technical Site. The ROC bunker at top of Peek Hill is also in the picture.
Sharpitor Technical 10
Emergency Diesel Generating House. This had a double skin blast wall.
Sharpitor Technical 11
This aerial view was taken in 1949. Presumably by Bill Wilkinson atop the 210′ wooden tower.
Sharpitor Technical 12
WC 1
Sharpitor Technical 13
WC 2
Sharpitor Technical 14
1940s wooden tower foundation, looking towards the top of Peek Hill
Sharpitor Technical 15
How the tower may have looked
Sharpitor Technical 16
Adjacent to the original transmission building
Sharpitor Technical 17
The new (1950s) transmission building
Sharpitor Technical 18
1950s steel tower was 240′ tall
Sharpitor Technical 19
Picture overlay from a 1950s photograph, the outline of Sharpitor being used as a guide. The whole site was demolished and cleared by 1972. They did a great job of clearing as identifying all the elements wasn’t straight forward, so please forgive me if there are errors.
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