Dartmoor Explorations

A collection of walks, discoveries, insights and pictures of exploring Dartmoor National Park


Steve Grigg and Frank Collinson

Keaglesborough (Kekelles Burrowghe) Mine. This mine is located near the East end of Burrator reservoir and is located between the Meavy and Newleycombe valleys. The mine is believed to have been operational from early part of 16th century, with the main processing facilities added in the 18th and 19th centuries. The later additions included a couple of stamping mills with associated dressing floors. Water to power the mills (via two wheels) and dress the tin was brought to the site by leat from the River Meavy below Hart Tor. This leat crosses Devonport Leat on Raddick Hill. The tin would have been crushed and dressed in the stamping mills and dressing floors. Both mills survive as rectangular platforms. In the centre of each platform lies a stone-lined pit (wheel pit), in which the wheel providing power for the stamps rotated.

Keaglesborough Plan
Plan of the site based on a plan from Dartmoor Magazine, Winter 1997 (No.49) in an article entitled “Tin Stamping Mills of Dartmoor after AD 1750”
Keaglesborough Google
Google Maps image of the site, which is easy access from Norsworthy Bridge.
Main (upper) wheelpit with views to Sharpitor and Leather Tor. SX57384 70112
Leat embankment feeding the wheel. The leat came off the Meavy below Hart Tor
Another view of the leat embankment. SX57404 70118
View of main (upper) wheelpit from below
Main (upper) wheel pit tail race
Possible mine shaft. SX57325 70073
Smaller (lower) wheelpit at the mine. SX57288 70089
Smaller (lower) wheelpit
Smaller (lower) wheel pit from below.
Adit next to gert. SX57214 70060
Inside the adit entrance.
Looking up the gert
Looking down the gert

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