A collection of walks, discoveries, insights and pictures of exploring Dartmoor National Park
June 25, 2020
Steve Grigg
The mine was worked as Avon Consols 1851-54, then Devon Wheal Vor around 1858 and was re-opened as Huntingdon Mine between 1864 and 1868. A fabulous article from Dave Brewer in the Spring 1988 Dartmoor Magazine entitled “A Leat from the Avon” inspired me to conduct a more robust exploration of an area I’d been to on dozens of occasions previously. This post (as per Dave Brewers article) starts near Lud Gate with the mysterious regulator stone / cross socket, then proceeds to the mine in the Western Wellabrook valley.
This is an adaptation of the original Dave Brewer sketch of the site. It is a fascinating how the leat systems were constructed.Shafts at the mine. Engine Shaft is easily recognisable but the others take a little interpretation. I assumed Lukey’s and Bishop’s Shafts were the highest (and largest) up the hill and tried to work out shafts a through g accordingly. I hope I have faithfully recognised each shaft in this post.“Dartmoor Mystery”is how this artefact is described by F.H.Starkey in his “Then and Now” book from 1986. R.H. Worth described it as a “Water Regulating Stone for leat”. Dave Brewer described it as a “Regulator stone” in an article (A leat from Avon) in the Dartmoor Magazine in 1988 as it lies next to the Hayford Hall Leat.
The artefact is called by Dartefacts, website http://www.dartmoor-crosses.org.uk/hayford.htm and dartmoor crossing facebook page as “Hayford Cross Socket Stone”.
So is it a leat “Regulator Stone” or is it a “Cross Socket Stone” ?Starkey first thought it was a Cross Socket Stone but states “the inner side bears the marks of a drill”. He argues therefore, it is unlikely to have been made earlier than the beginning of 19th century and by this time wayside crosses were no longer being erected on Dartmoor. On further investigation he states that a local, indeed remembered the Hayford leat, which also served two other residences, a sawmill and a tin mine, and agreed R.H. Worth was correct. This is the June 2020 view of the stone. SX68233 67331 General view of the mine taken from Lud Gate track. The Huntingdon Warren field system discernable across the valley. Horse Whim stone with Engine Shaft behind Engine Shaft Engine shaft. SX66800 66993 This small embankment alongside the track is a launder bank which enabled the tinners to allow water to flow into the site. This is the end of Leat 1 (L1). SX66826 67004 Shallow depression of Leat 1 heading towards Western Wellabrook Leat 1 again, where the tinners had to move huge boulders Leat 1 inlet from Western Wellabrook. There is an old wall system here (you can just make out a rock on the right hand side of the picture), which the tinners had to breach to run their leat from the Brook. SX 66652 67319 Clapper 1 collapsed in the Brook. Huntingdon Warren tree visible in the distance. SX66668 67160 Is this a natural weathered rock or the start of a trough. This is close to Leat 2 (L2) take off point. SX66708 67109 Leat 2 take off from Western Wellabrook. SX66698 67128 Leat 2 is easy to follow. You can see it is heading for the waste heap mound (upper mid picture) A nicely split rock alongside leat 2. I wonder why it was never used. SX66753 67040 Clapper 2, carrying the main track to Huntingdon Warren The ford just upstream from clapper 2 Waste Heap (right) with view to Huntingdon Warren. SX66777 66994 Wheel pit, stated by Dave Brewer as 30ft. SX66783 66971 Mystery depression below the wheelpit. It looks like a possible adit (?) with the entrance below where photo taken from. When I was last here in the winter, this was flooded by several feet. SX66770 66953 Probable Buddle. SX66777 66943 Possible 2nd Buddle below the first (or is there only one as per the Dave Brewer sketch). SX66768 66935 There are two parts to the barracks. This is the upper section. SX66803 66951 ……and the lower section of the barracks. SX66794 66953 The count house in foreground (SX66823 66961), with the barracks in the background The powder house near the waste heap. SX66770 66985Shaft a. (SX66825 67001)Shaft b. (SX66842 66998)Shaft c. (SX66854 67004)Shaft d. (SX66884 66999)Shaft e. (SX66895 66994)Shaft f. (SX66913 66992)Shaft g. (SX66952 66993)Lukey’s Shaft (probable location). SX66978 66987Bishops Shaft (probable location). SX67022 66983Dressing Floor 1 (SX66778 66922)Dressing Floor 2 (SX66799 66911)Leat 3 snaking it’s way from the Avon through the Huntingdon Warren enclosuresLeat 3 crossing Leat 4 on it’s way to Brock Hill Head, Hayford Hall and the Mardle. SX 66718 66778. There would have been a launder with supports hereLeat 4 running parallel to Western WellabrookLeat 4 entering Western Wellabrook at SX66668 66698Leat 4 entering Western Wellabrook at SX66668 66698Leat 5 (L5) take off point near where leat 4 enters the Western Wellabrook. SX66678 66704Clapper 3 – across leat 5 at SX66662 66651Launder Bank for the 40ft wheelpit. SX66626 66579View from the launder to the 40ft wheelpit below.40ft wheelpit at SX66586 66507Part of the wheel tail race at SX66581 66490One final view of the mine. The E/W line of Pits very distinct from Huntingdon Warren Farm.
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