A collection of walks, discoveries, insights and pictures of exploring Dartmoor National Park
May 15, 2023
Beardown Mine (Wheal Virgin)
The author came across an article on this mine in a Dartmoor Tin Research Group (DTRG) newsletter (number 56), which provided a lot of information on this (probable) late 18th century / early 19th century venture. The article of the mine appears to have been penned as part of a field trip in January 2002 by Tom Greeves, Jamie Frost and Chris Kelland. The article introduces the mine as having all the characteristics of small mines of that era (ie leat, wheel pit, stamps area, dressing floor, building, adit and shafts).
The DTRG article also provided some fabulous reference material, which makes for interesting reading of the history of the mine from between 1797-1801, which is summarised here.
The original Dock (Devonport) leat borders the mine to the west, which was constructed in the 1790’s (Note: it wasn’t renamed to ‘Devonport’ until 1st January 1824). The dating of the cutting of this section of ‘Dock Leat’ provides a historical reference to the mine, viz; In 1797, a John Jenkins who had witnessed the cutting of ‘Dock Leat’, which was “through both enclosed and unenclosed ground, to ‘Bear Down’ mine”. Furthermore, there is a record that states that, “in April 1799, Capt Henry Branter was ‘raising tin fast’ from Wheal Virgin“. So, how do the names ‘Bear Down Mine’ and ‘Wheal Virgin‘ relate to one another ? The answer appears to be from a newspaper advertisement (discovered by Chris Kelland) from an auction of shares for the mine dated from 24th February 1801, which was held at Two Bridges. The auction was for “24 x 1/64 shares of a late discovered Tin Mine of Bear Down….called Wheal Virgin, about one mile from Two Bridges; to which there is a Stamping Mill of three hammers, and a Engine lately erected for drawing off water”. There was a mention of £200 (about £12,000 in 2023) worth of tin of ‘the best quality’ brought to the surface.
With this DTRG information coupled with a plan, the author undertook an ‘exploration’ of the mine remains and this post is the result.
Dartmoor Tin Research Group (DTRG) Newsletter Number 56 – Notes on mine by Tom Greeves (page 10)
Tom Greeves (2002) Beardown Mine/Wheal Virgin, Devon Mining Club Journal, 3(1) February 2002, 28-31
Agricultural Development Advisory Service, 1988, Beardown Farm (Report – Assessment).