Steve Grigg
The Temperance Hotel (now East Dart Hotel) in Postbridge was built in 1862. In 1861, a John Webb, who was a tin miner and also farmed nearby applied for a lease of two acres of unenclosed land to build a house. A licence was granted in 1863 after John Webb changed his plans to built an Inn instead. After his death in 1878, the Inn was taken on by John Webb junior, which during his tenure, became a Temperance House, which it is said to be due to the persuasive nature of John Webb (junior) wife Lizzie, who preached to him to evil ways of the demon drink. The then and now pictures in this post were taken in c1900 and 2020. Lots of changes clearly have been made in the 120 year period. Information obtained from Legendary Dartmoor website under “Ghostly Bloodhound” and “Postbridge, the Heart of Dartmoor” by Reg Bellamy.