Dartmoor Explorations

A collection of walks, discoveries, insights and pictures of exploring Dartmoor National Park

Dartmoor Birds

This is another ‘tongue-in-cheek’ collection of Dartmoor locations, on this occasion based on birds. There are for some of the names more that one location to choose from but the post contains the authors favourites.

0. Map
There are 28 ‘Dartmoor Birds’ covered in this post. The sketch map shows each of their (very) approx position with respect to the National Park Boundary
Chaffes Newtake
Chaffe’s Newtake
Chat Tor
Chat Tor
Chaw Gully
Chaw Gully
Cockingford Bridge
Cockingford Bridge
Crane Lake Mine
Crane Lake Mine
Crow Tor
Crow Tor
Cuckoo Ball Neolithic Site (Chambered Tomb)
Cuckoo Ball Neolithic Site (Chambered Tomb)
Drakeford Bridge a
Drakeford Bridge
Drakeford Bridge b
Drakeford Bridge – Inscription
Ducks Pool Memorial
Ducks Pool Memorial
Eagle Rock - Lucky Tor
Eagle Rock – Lucky Tor
Fieldfare – Boundary marker
Finch Foundary
Finch Foundary
Grey Goose Nest
Grey Goose Nest
Hawks Tor Shelter
Hawks Tor Shelter
Henroost (The)
Henroost (The)
Jays Grave
Jays Grave
Keble Martin Chapel
Keble Martin Chapel
Magpie Bridge
Magpie Bridge (aka Bedford Bridge)
Owley Cottage
Owley Cottage
Peregrine – Top left picture taken from Mardon Down. The map is from 1949
Pipers Beam
Piper’s Beam
Raven Rock
Raven Rock
Skylark Inn
Skylark Inn
Snipers Gully
Snipers Gully – picture courtesy of Patricia Trout
Swanaford – Vineyard and House
Thrushelcombe Plain
Thrushelcombe Plain
Wakehams Rook
Wakehams Rook
Woodcock Hill
Woodcock Hill – peat pass between Hunt Tor and Gren Tor
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1 Comment

  1. Pat Trout. February 18, 2024

    looks very nice Steve.

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