Dartmoor Explorations

A collection of walks, discoveries, insights and pictures of exploring Dartmoor National Park


Nigel Machin

Hensroost 1
Hensroost Tin Mine 1910 – Named thus on the 1906 map it is actually half a mile east of the gert known as ‘The Hensroost’ and not far from Horse Ford. On the modern OS map is is simply referred to as ‘Mine (disused)’ . The Hensroost Mine once had a 45ft wheel and mighty launder . The launder embankment on the left is still very much intact with the dry leat channel running down it and the wheel pit is still identifiable but a overgrown.
The Hensroost – August 2020
This is a close-up of the wheelpit and an e-version of a drawing from the Dartmoor 365 book. In the absence of suitable photos of the wheel, a similar one from a Cornish mine has been used – there is an intriguing possibility that the wooden stump in the picture might well be the remains of the launder.
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