Steve Grigg and Frank Collinson

About 20 years ago, I first visited these crosses and have returned many times. I thought it was time to accurately record their location (albeit doing this on a murky day in January, wasn’t the best timing).
1. Ockside Hill Crosses
There are four on this hill. They are constructed of loose granite stones and each “arm” is about 3m. The set are in alignment (roughly E-W) and are around 25 paces apart from each other. They are only just off the Knack Mine Ford / Hangingstone track. The large granite slabs on the track indicate, where you should strike off west (about 50m) to find them. They are presumed to be of military use.

2. Red-a-Ven (Head) Crosses
This set of four crosses aren’t as distinct as those on Ockside Hill.
As with the Ockside Hill crosses, these are also constructed of loose granite stones and each “arm” is about 3m. The set of four are in alignment (roughly E-W) and are around 25 paces apart from each other. They are only just off the Dinger Tor track are presumed to be of military use. They are not far from the “kink” in the track at SX5883 8930 (from this point head towards High Willhays)