Dartmoor Explorations

A collection of walks, discoveries, insights and pictures of exploring Dartmoor National Park


Steve Grigg and Frank Collinson

East Mill (OP6) Incline Target Railway, the first of five target railways which can be visited in one day. The others are at Row Tor (x1) and Black Down (x3). This one is from c1895 and has a long curvi-linear cutting. It is approx 1km long. More information can be found here:


EM 1
The tramway shown on a turn of the century map, pre ring road. The north end of the tramway terminates at Skit Bottom, just south of East Okement Farm. The south end terminates at OP6, which used to be a carrier shed prior to being converted into an OP.
EM 2
North end of the tramway. Lots of old sleepers and other debris here East Okement trees visible top right. SX60380 90821
EM 3
Looking south from the north terminal point of the tramway. Looking across the tinners workings at Skit Bottom towards, Oke Tor and Steeperton Tor
EM 4
An old rail at the north terminal
EM 5
A pair of rails at north terminal
EM 6
A connecting plate of some description at north terminal.
EM 7
An L shaped construction near the north terminal, looks like an early OP or butt. It has corrugated elements in it. Its former use is unknown. SX60416 90733
EM 8
The tramway is easily followed
EM 9
Moving in a southerly direction.
EM 10
Crossing the ring road (known by the military as the circular road), which continues onto OP15 at Okement Hill. This point is at SX60345 90414
EM 11
Rails from the tramway were on a 20 inch gauge. These were at SX60336 90403
EM 12
The tramway cutting getting deeper
EM 13
The tramway adjacent to the ring road.
EM 14
Nearing the southern point of the tramway, a local resident looks on.
EM 15
Looking at the final hairpin in the tramway.
EM 16
The rocks by the tramway cutting are outside OP6
EM 17
The carrier shed (OP6).
EM 18
Inside OP6
EM 19
Corrugated iron ceiling has seen better days
EM 20
Closer inspection shows concrete lines above the corrugated iron
EM 21
A panned out view of OP6, showing East Okement Farm (trees), which is the northern end. Also in the picture is Winter Tor and Belstone Tors.
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