Steve Grigg & Frank Collinson
Meldon Hill – in search of a golf course.
The Autumn 1989 edition of the Dartmoor Magazine had an article by Luke Darlington on the old Chagford Golf Course, which was open from Whit Monday 1908 until April 1930. At that time (around 1990), I (Steve) did find a few holes, but it wasn’t until this year (2020), I found a copy of the course on the internet and so a new exploration was called for !!
The 9 hole course was 2,728 yards (approx 2.5km), but took 7.5km of walking and searching to locate the majority of the tees and holes
This is an extract from the original Dartmoor Magazine article.

The picture above is the overlaid course on an OS map, with enhanced (yellow) lines added and tees / holes labelled.
On parking up, we met by chance, Claire Northmore, who lives in the house which was the site of the original club house. She kindly let me photograph this (see above), which is a 1979 picture of the house.. We believe the garage in the bottom right corner of the photograph was the location of the green keepers tool shed.
With permission, the house today. Claire also gave me a postcard showing the course layout. Thank you so very much, it made my day.