Dartmoor Explorations

A collection of walks, discoveries, insights and pictures of exploring Dartmoor National Park

Chagford Golf Course on Meldon Hill

Steve Grigg & Frank Collinson

Meldon Hill – in search of a golf course.

The Autumn 1989 edition of the Dartmoor Magazine had an article by Luke Darlington on the old Chagford Golf Course, which was open from Whit Monday 1908 until April 1930. At that time (around 1990), I (Steve) did find a few holes, but it wasn’t until this year (2020), I found a copy of the course on the internet and so a new exploration was called for !!

The 9 hole course was 2,728 yards (approx 2.5km), but took 7.5km of walking and searching to locate the majority of the tees and holes

This is an extract from the original Dartmoor Magazine article.

Chagford 1

Chagford 2


The course plan can be found at:
The picture above is the overlaid course on an OS map, with enhanced (yellow) lines added and tees / holes labelled.

Chagford 3

On parking up, we met by chance, Claire Northmore, who lives in the house which was the site of the original club house. She kindly let me photograph this (see above), which is a 1979 picture of the house.. We believe the garage in the bottom right corner of the photograph was the location of the green keepers tool shed.

With permission, the house today. Claire also gave me a postcard showing the course layout. Thank you so very much, it made my day.

Chagford 4

This is from the Chagford website and is labelled: “Tea outside the clubhouse at Meldon golf course, 25th July 1914” where “Mrs Norton gave tea on the golf links”

Chagford 5

..and so to the first tee, where a memorial bench now sits.

Chagford 6

The first tee. The slightly raised and levelled ground is the giveaway.

Chagford 7

The first fairway, now a well worn path

Chagford 8

The greens are quite well defined and cut in on the up slope with a small raised bank on the downward slope

Chagford 9

We had great difficulty finding the 2nd tee and hole due to the undergrowth, a return in the winter may be required. We are 99% confident with all these NGRs except the 3rd tee, which appears (if I have the correct place) to have sunk down.

Chagford 10

 This is 3rd Tee possibly. It might be the 2nd Hole on reflection.

Chagford 11

The 3rd green, very clear and discernable with the raised bank and cut in, to level the ground. The 4th tee couldn’t be located.

Chagford 12


Note the trig point on Meldon Hill Summit Tor

Chagford 13

This picture taken pre WW1 from the Chagford website

Chagford 14

Re-creating the flag holder. The cut in for the green, once again is easily discernable.

Chagford 15


The 4th green is surrounded by the Meldon series of tors / outcrops. This is Meldon Hill North West Tor

Chagford 16

Meldon Hill North West Tor.

Chagford 17


…..and so onto the 5th tee. The 5th fairway is now covered in gorse. However, the green is close to an outcrop known as Tunnaford Rocks.

Chagford 18

An easy find. View across to Cosdon.

Chagford 19


A minor diversion to the rock basin at Tunnaford Rocks and some bird photography.

Chagford 20

Taken from the rock basin. A yellow hammer.

Chagford 21

Also taken from the rock basin, a pair of stonechats

Chagford 22

..back to the course and the 6th tee. A raised platform once more.

Chagford 23

Surrounded by gorse and ferns but 6th green found after some searching. Sadly, we were not successful at finding the 7th tee or hole.

Chagford 24


8th tee. The hole / green quite obvious from here as quite a large raised bank was built.

Chagford 25

The fern bank of the 8th green

Chagford 26


The 8th hole, waist high in ferns

Chagford 27

The raised bank on the left clearly showing a man made structure.


Chagford 28

The 9th tee, also a raised bank.

Chagford 29

The 9th green / hole. The bench of the first tee in the background, now where is that tea Mrs Norton?

Chagford 30

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  1. Robert Butt August 22, 2021

    My name is Robert Butt – my Gran, mother and aunt were the first occupants of what was then old club house. I have also wondered where the old golf course was – being born in Chagford and living there until the age of 21 when I moved to London. It was not until a visit to Chagford to see my dad a few years ago that I came across a postcard in one of the shops that showed a layout of the course.

  2. Betting On Open Golf March 24, 2023

    Thanks for this awesome content. It’s a good read. This article is really helpful for us beginners.

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